The Enforcer -- Odessa Jackalopes Blog


Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello fellow Jackalope fans!  I know I've been blogging less and less over the last season, and there are a number of reasons for that, but I was just going to let all of those that do read the blog know that I'm going to be taking a sabbatical that will last more than likely until at least the beginning of the Jacks' 2011-2012 inaugural NAHL season.  Unless something drastic or exciting happens pertaining to the Odessa Jackalopes, more than likely I won't be blogging again until September, but if something exciting does happen, be sure to check The Enforcer for any updates.  I'm still debating on whether or not I will even continue with the blog next season, but I'll probably think more about that as the off-season drags on.  As always, I encourage any comments from those that read my blog.

Until next time (probably September) Jackalope fans all I have to say is GO JACKS GO!!!