Boy oh boy, what a night for the Odessa Jackalopes! Hello fellow Jackalope fans and all I can say is how 'bout them Jackalopes?!?! What was expected to be a tight, close game between the Gorillas and Jacks turned out to be an absolute beat down at the expense of the once undefeated Amarillo Gorillas, who started off the season with a 4-0-0 record only to get their behinds handed to them by Odessa. Lets go ahead and move to the highlights of the night, shall we? This was a night to remember for the Jacks as Jeff Pierce had a hat trick sealed up early in the second period; Garret Gruenke scored the first goal of his professional career; the Jacks went 4-9 on the powerplay while killing off six of seven of Amarillo's powerplay chances; the Jacks tied a franchise record by scoring nine goals in the game; and lastly the Jacks put up an incredible five goals against the red hot Amarillo goaltender, Mike Brown. By the way, the Jacks had already scored five goals against Brown not even six minutes into the second period leading to him being replaced in net by Finnish goaltender, Tuomas Lohtander. Let me say that Lohtander sure is no Juha Toivonen as he did not do too much better than Brown allowing four goals on fifteen shots. With all of this being said I guess one word that would best describe this game would be: domination! The Jacks now move on to a record of 3-1-0 while the Gorillas suffer their first defeat and fall to a record of 4-1-0. The Jacks will host the Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs at the ECC tomorrow night (who lost to Allen by a final of 2-1 tonight) and hopefully the Jacks will have similar results and send the Mudbugs back to Louisiana wondering what could have been!
Until tomorrow night Jack fans all I have to say is GO JACKS GO!!! and we look forward to seeing the Mudbugs tomorrow night!
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