Hello Jackalope fans! It has been a while, hasn't it? School is really kicking my butt right now, so I have not really had a chance to blog much recently. Anyway, the Jacks have just finished their game tonight at the Nytex Sports Centre against the Texas Brahmas, and things were a lot better for the Jacks this time around. The Jacks defeated the purple bulls by a final of 5-3, and improve to an incredible 13-2-2 record on the season. Boy does it feel good to get a win from Texas, especially after the 7-3 beating that they put on the Jacks last Thursday. I have been hearing a lot of smack from a couple of Brahma fans recently, and this will hopefully help shut them up for a little while. With that being said, lets go ahead and break down tonight's game, shall we? As I already stated, the Jacks won by a final of 5-3, with Martin getting the win in net. Martin stopped 30 of 33 shots from the bulls, while Jaeger took the loss stopping 25 of 30 Jackalope shots. One question really comes to mind: What happened to the Jaeger from last season? Last year the guy was incredible, while this year he is really struggling. Anyway, back to tonight's breakdown. Jeff Pierce picked up three points tonight scoring a goal on a breakaway while picking up two assists as well; Sebastien Thinel picked up two points with a goal and an assist; Collin Circelli picked up three points with a powerplay goal and two assists; Karlander picked up a goal in tonight's contest; Van Drunen picked up a rare goal in tonight's game; and Bernard, Ramsay, and Plante all had one assist apiece. The Jacks were once again very good on the powerplay and penalty kill as the Jacks went 2-6 with the man advantage, while killing off all seven of Texas' powerplay chances. All in all, Jackalope fans, I must say that I was impressed with how the Jacks played tonight, and I must say that it felt good to see the purple bulls go down on home ice. With that being said, I am going to go ahead and close up shop here, but before I do, I would like to wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving, and hopefully the Jacks will have a good weekend as they play the impressive Americans for the first time this season.
Scores from around the league:
- The Riverkings come back to defeat the Americans (who we will see on Saturday at the ECC) by a final of 3-1, after trailing most of the game.
- The Rapic City Rush defeat the Wichita Thunder by a final of 3-1. Is anybody really surprised?
- The Killer Bees defeat the Mudbugs by a final of 5-3 in Hidalgo.
- And finally, the Eagles are absolutely pounding the Gorillas by a score of 9-3 with about ten minutes left in the third period. Like I have said before, it looks like reality is starting to come back to Amarillo after their surprising start.
Until next time Jackalope fans all I have to say is GO JACKS GO!!! and lets put a thumping on the Americans Friday night!
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