The Enforcer -- Odessa Jackalopes Blog


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Future Hall of Famer?

Hello fellow Jackalope fans!  We are going to leave the NAHL Odessa Jackalopes for this post, and check up on a former, and arguably the greatest Jackalope in franchise history, Sebastien Thinel.  The reason why we are revisiting the past is because Sebby is just two points shy of earning his 700th point in his professional career, with the vast majority of those points being racked up while donning an Odessa Jackalopes jersey.  This is a huge milestone for Thinel, and it is definitely bittersweet for Jackalope fans, as he will have to reach that goal in another team's sweater.

 That said, Jackalope fans have a ton of great memories of Thinel as a Jackalope, we truly do appreciate all that he did for the team as well as the community, and I know I speak for the vast majority of Jackalope fans when I say congratulations to #43.  If this guy is not a Hall of Famer in the CHL when all is said and done, then I think it would not be a stretch to refer to the CHL as the Circus Hockey League.  Before I wrap this post up, here are Thinel's impressive career numbers as a professional hockey player:


  • Professional Point Total: 698 (with 647 of them as a Jackalope)
  • Professional Goal Total: 248 (with 235 of them as a Jackalope)
  • Professional Assist Total: 450 (with 412 of them as a Jackalope)
  • Games Played as a Professional: 547 (with 502 of them as a Jackalope)
POSTSEASON (All as a Jackalope):

  • Point Total: 61
  • Goal Total: 20
  • Assist Total: 41
  • Games Played: 57

Oh yeah, not to mention he is a former Central Hockey League MVP.  And to all the critics out there that claimed he was not effective in the playoffs... I would take a point per game player in the playoffs every single day of the week.  Now that the numbers have spoken, I am going to go ahead and wrap things up here.  Hopefully I will blog again some time next week after the Jacks take on the New Mexico Mustangs for three games in a row this weekend.

Until next time Jackalope fans all I have to say is GO JACKS GO!!! and congratulations to #43!

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