Hello fellow Jackalope fans. I said that I would blog if there was anything newsworthy that happened pertaining to the Jacks or the CHL, so I guess I will give a quick update on the President Cup Finals between the Allen Americans and Rapid City Rush. The Rapid City Rush lead the series three games to two with the final two games (game seven if necessary) being played in the Black Hills. The Rush spanked the Americans last night in Allen by a final of 7-2. Ouch! In my last post I said that I wanted the Americans to win the cup for the simple fact that they represent the Southern Conference. To put it bluntly, I have changed my mind. Before anybody calls be a bandwagon jumper, let me explain why I will no longer be cheering for Allen.
The other night in their game against the Rush, the Americans decided to goon it up towards the end of the game just like they did with the Jacks in one of the Southern Conference Finals games. I have zero respect for a team that plays like that, and seeing Allen play that "physical hockey" as so many American fans like to say, brought back some bitter memories for me from the Southern Finals. With that said, I'm not rooting for the Rush either. To be totally honest with all of you, I really can't stand either team. Whoever wins... wins. Plain and simple. It will have no effect on me. I will probably offer my congratulations to the team that does win the cup, but I certainly won't be jumping for joy for either team. Do I sound bitter? Oh well, I guess I am a little bitter. I'll get over it eventually.
Now lets move on to a little bit of information that was released recently by the Odessa American. According to an article published in the Odessa American, the Jacks already have thirteen returning players from this season's team signed for next season. That is almost unheard of in the Central Hockey League, and this means that the Jacks will have practically the same team for three years in a row. I find this to be extremely good news. Some folks make good points in pointing out that maybe the Jacks need to change things up since they can't get over the proverbial hump in the playoffs, but I disagree with that logic. If the Jacks can keep the solid base that they have had over the last few years and make a few key additions, then I think next year will finally be the year that the Ray Miron Presidents Cup will make its way to the Permian Basin. Let me explain why I think this.
First of all, the Jacks have made it to game seven of the Southern Conference Finals for the past two years in a row. That is something that should not be taken lightly. Of course the Jacks ultimate goal is to make it to the President Cup Finals, and eventually win the cup. I think that will happen, and I think that will happen very, very soon. Secondly, the Jacks have steadily improved since the new owners have taken over, Paul Gillis and Matt Cressman have become the head and assistant coaches respectively, and Joe Clark has taken over as general manager.
Lets start with the owners. I honestly do not believe that there is any other owner(s) in the entire league that cares for their team as much as our owners do. The reason I think this is for a number of reasons. Not only do our owners help put a fantastic team on the ice year in and year out, but they are also very involved in the community. They have done so many wonderful things for out community, but sadly our community rarely returns the favor. Our attendance has been an issue for the past few years, and I don't think it's right. As much as the Jacks do for our community, the community should return the favor by going to a few games, cheering on a powerhouse team in the Jacks, and show the Odessa Jackalopes that you care as much for them as they do for you. I could go on and on about our attendance, but I won't... for now anyway. Also, I have seen the owners at every single game sitting with the "common folks". They don't sit in the suites... they sit where everybody else does. Not only that, but they show emotion when the team wins or loses. I still vividly remember watching Mrs. Nyborg shed a few tears in one of the Jacks losses against the Americans. This is a good thing in the sense that we know that our owners care tremendously for our team, which is more that can be said about some other teams owners.
Now lets move on to our coaches. I strongly believe that the Jackalopes have the best coach (by far) in the entire CHL. Paul Gillis had a long career in the NHL... he definitely knows what he is doing. Not only that, but he has been a very successful head coach in many leagues, and now has over 500 wins as a head coach. That just proves that he is a winner. He has simply been amazing with the Jacks, and I expect even better things next season. Cressman deserves a lot of credit too. While he may not have the resume that Gillis does, he played for the Odessa Jackalopes for six seasons. He knows this team and this community probably like the back of his hand by now, and he was a great player for the Jacks. He's younger than Gillis, so I think that he can probably relate more to many of the players, which is just an extra bonus that makes the team that much better. Sorry for rambling, but I just thought these guys deserved a little credit for how much they have done for the Odessa Jackalopes.
With all of this said, the Jacks were the Governors Cup Champions this season, ended the season with a franchise record 101 points, had the best power play and penalty kill in the regular season, and had the most outstanding goalie in the entire league in the regular season. They have nothing to be ashamed of. They are still winners in my (and many others for that matter) book. That Presidents Cup has eluded the Jacks for thirteen years now, but their time to shine will come in the very near future... I guarantee it. I am going to go ahead and wrap things up here. I will probably be blogging again in the next couple of weeks with my wish list for next year's team, the improvements that the Jacks need to make in the offseason, and of course when any other news pertaining to the Jacks is made available.
Until next time Jackalope fans all I have to say is GO JACKS GO!!! and can you believe that we already have thirteen returnees signed for next years team!?!?