Hello fellow Jack fans! I will make this post short and sweet as I have some news pertaining to a new league forum set up by yours truly. After getting fed up with some of the seemingly unnecessary words that are blocked on chlforums.com, I have decided to create my own forum that is exclusively for folks that are 18 or over as I am not banning any words from being used on the forum. With that being said, there are rules on my forum that must be obeyed, and I will not tolerate any personal attacks of any kind. I would also like to clarify that this is by no means a knock on the other league forum as I truly do enjoy it and am still a member of it; I just felt that a more adult-friendly forum would make things a little easier for folks that want to truly speak their minds without worrying about their words being changed up on them. My new forum is called theenforcer, and you can get to it at http://www.youforum.biz/theenforcer/. Please feel free to join the forum, and please tell all CHL fans that you know about it. By the way, I will be making improvements to the setting of the forum as soon as I become more familiar with it.
Until next time Jack fans all I have to say is GO JACKS GO!!! and October can't come soon enough!
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